Aeration is the process of creating openings in your lawn for air, water, and nutrients to absorb into the soil and grass roots. It alleviates soil compaction and reduces thatch.

Properly aerating your lawn is the difference between a lush, cascading lawn with bright green grass, and a yard full of patchy spots and weeds.

When Should I Aerate My Lawn?

The ideal time to aerate your lawn is in the Fall, typically about two weeks before the final fertilization of the year.

If you missed out on Fall aeration, early Spring can work as well. Though Fall remains preferable, early Spring presents a small window of time where the conditions still favor aeration services.

Regardless of the type of grass you have, aeration should be done when the temperatures are mild and mostly steady.

Why Should I Aerate My Lawn?

A common concern from homeowners is how to determine if their lawn needs aeration.

Aeration is a service typically performed every other year on lawns; however, there might be times when aeration becomes critical to maintaining the health of your lawn.

You should aerate your lawn regularly if…

  • Your yard serves as the neighborhood playground, with lots of foot traffic from kids and pets.
  • You established the lawn as a part of a newly constructed home, with soil compacted by heavy equipment and construction traffic.
  • Your lawn dries out easily and is “thatchy” in places.

How Aqualon Can Help

The process of aeration is an important one if you want your lawn to be the envy of the neighborhood.

Aqualon can advise and monitor your lawn’s aeration process. During aeration, our trained professionals use a dual aerator or superseeder for slice seeding, depending on your lawn’s needs.

Aeration Process

As mentioned previously, aeration is the process of “airing out” your lawn, creating a better environment to maintain a beautiful lawn.

Aeration is necessary when we detect patchy, thatched areas of grass that make it difficult for healthier, thicker grass to grow.

When this happens, we use a dual aerator to break up the compacted soil. The aerator “pierces” the soil creating shallow, narrow holes to allow for air, water, and nutrients.

Slice Seeding Process

If your lawn requires aeration and overseeding, we typically use a superseeder to perform the job quickly and efficiently.

Much like a dual aerator, a superseeder also creates small pockets in the ground for nutrients to reach the soil; however, as the superseeder breaks up the compacted soil, it also drops the grass seed into the pockets.

A name you can trust

We maintain an A+ accredited rating with the Better Business Bureau. We do this by offering our customers one on one, personal service; building a positive, long-lasting relationship. Those relationships are forged by a dynamic team of employees, many of whom have been with Aqualon for years. We promote a positive work environment and an honest work ethic. Our team members look forward to work and that enthusiasm results in quality workmanship and excellent customer care. It’s a winning formula that keeps our customers coming to Aqualon for almost 20 years. See what the fuss is about. Call us today for a free consultation.

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